Stuffed Venison Backstrap


“One of the most rewarding things about being a hunter is the gift to be able to harvest your own food to put on the table. Food has always been a social form of togetherness, and what better way to share that then with a home harvested meal. 

I have always been comfortable in the kitchen. As a young child, I grew up cooking my dad fresh venison steaks just the way he liked them with peppers and onions and some salt and pepper. As I became more skilled in the kitchen, I started venturing into more complex dishes, including different ways to prepare wild game. 

My family and I have one staple wild game recipe that has quickly become a favorite. It’s stuffed venison backstrap. I’m so happy and blessed to be able to share my passion for the outdoors through the food I cook, and I wanted to share one of my favorites with you!” 

Stuffed Venison Backstrap


One backstrap (or any other meat you choose)

Garlic powder

Onion powder 



One brick of cream cheese

3/4 package of chopped spinach 

Bacon (I prefer maple flavored bacon for this recipe)

How to prepare:

1. In a bowl, mix together the cream cheese, spinach and spices. Honestly, I don’t have a precise measurement that I use, and you can make it more or less flavorful depending on how you prefer it! You can’t really mess it up, it’s all about preference! 

2. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and lay your bacon out on on the sheet.

3. Prepare your game of choice by slicing along the long end, directly through to the middle. Do not cut in half completely, as you are trying to great a flat piece of meat.

4. Tenderize your meat to make it thinner, and more tender, and season with salt and pepper. 

5. Place as much of the cream cheese mixture on the flat price of meat as you’d like. 

6. Roll the meat and the filling up into a log. (It should look like a pumpkin roll)

7. Place the roll onto the bacon on the baking sheet and wrap the bacon fully around the meat roll. 

8. Secure with toothpicks, making sure the close off the ends well. 

9. Place in oven on 425 degrees for about 40 minutes or until it reaches 165 degrees (using a meat thermometer) 

10. Enjoy! 

About the Author: Nicole Head Follow her on Instagram @ colehead33

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