I Wish I had the Time

I wish I had the time….

How many times have you said to yourself “I wish I had the time to spend more time with my family? I wish I had the time to learn to shoot a bow or shoot a gun? I wish the time to take that nature walk with my kids away from the video games and the hustle and bustle of everyday life?”

Well, you have your wish since most of us are home now being non-essential and my question to you is have you actually done any of those things that you wished for?


The time that we have on our hands now may not have been the way we would have planned it but here it is so why aren’t you? I asked that same question after being cooped up in the house.

Mind you - I have my own business- yes it is non-essential so I have a little bit more time now on my hands- but I was mostly home when I wasn’t with my clients for massage. ( Yes I know you are all jealous).

With this being said, my kids are home and they are all in high school so trying to keep them from going stir crazy and me going crazy a plan needed to be put in action. So being a member of an Archery Club with 35 acres to go to, that is where all 4 of us headed.

Since I have an injury to my shoulder I haven’t been able to shoot my bows I just walked with the kids and had some fun. Walking through the woods and giving pointers to the two who were shooting and being able to look at the cool rocks that my other daughter was scouting for I felt at peace.


Just looking at the buds on the trees and the new growth that was making an appearance letting me know that spring is right around the corner. The birds singing and the animals scurrying around doing whatever they do.

Looking down and seeing the tracks of all the different animals that are in our woods from deer, coyotes, squirrels, bears, turkey scrapes, chipmunks and some I wasn’t to sure of- it could be Bigfoot for all I know - he has known to visit our woods now and then.

Just to get out in nature and breathe in deep and relax and spending time with the kids made it worth the time to go out and make it part of our schedule.


After the shooting and the rock collecting, next up was knife throwing. Yeah I am so out of practice-I better stick with the tomahawk and practice more. Practice is always the key. So as much as we were forced into our isolation, quarantine or whatever you want to call it- the time is there that you wished for so know what take it and enjoy it while you can.

My kids all range from 28-14 and the younger ones are in high school and the time is going too quick. I have a senior this year and for the life of me I have no idea what happened because I blinked and she was a senior. The other two, a daughter who is a sophomore and my son a freshman.


So for me this stop in the road is okay because it has slowed me down and has me actually making my wishes come true.

Nadine Fulle Reel Camo Girl Pro-staff. Follow her on Facebook or instagram @nadinefulle.

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