Meet our founder Lauren Hill
ReelCamo Girl is a lifestyle brand focused on ladies who love the outdoors. I realized there was a growing need for a place for women to share their outdoor experiences, as well as an interest in clean eating and self-sufficiency. I grew up in Southern California and really had no other girlfriends who liked to do the things I did..hunt, fish, shoot, etc. I was lonely for others like myself, so I started ReelCamo Girl.
Through our website and social media platforms, we offer a safe place where the ladies can share their pictures, stories, wild game and fish recipes, and news articles about conservation and hunting perspectives.
I love the outdoors and have been hunting, fishing, free diving, and shooting my whole life. Daughter of a hunter, oldest of 7 siblings, wife of a Marine Corp Veteran and Police Officer, collegiate athlete and now mother to 3 girls. My parents always encouraged me to experience the outdoors. I also hold a Bachelor's degree in Communications and a Masters in Business Administration.
ReelCamo Girl was created to empower your outdoor passions and show women all over the world that they can still be feminine holding a rifle or bow. Our mission is to champion the fierce, sportswoman, who thrives on providing for her family, teaching others about ethical and responsible hunting and living out her passion as an outdoor enthusiast.
Follow Lauren on, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
Meet our PRO STAFF
Growing up in the UP of Michigan and now living in Northern Wisconsin, I am blessed to have always been surrounded by the outdoors lifestyle.
I grew up around fishing, hunting and living off of our summer gardens. I enjoy hunting and fishing as well as hiking, running, bird watching, canning/preserving, foraging for wild edibles, raising chickens and backyard gardening.
I am the secretary for the Lake Superior SCI Chapter and have a passion for protecting hunter’s rights. I also have a huge devotion for introducing and encouraging women to be comfortable in the outdoors.
I am the ProStaff Manager for ReelCamo Girl and am the WI/MN State Coordinator and Scheels Representative for Prois Hunting Apparel for Women
Follow me on IG @jpdums: on FB at Jennifer and Darren’s Outdoor Adventures or on GoWild.
Tara was born and raised in a small town in Northern Minnesota where she learned almost everything she knows about hunting, fishing and the outdoors. Once Tara learned basic gun safety techniques she was eager to hunt with “the guys” in her family. Tara’s father, grandfather and brother were instrumental in her learning the foundational outdoor skills that she has continued to expand on over the years. When Tara met her husband, he helped her further her skills by teaching her new techniques to use and new game animals to pursue. Tara has continued to make time to enjoy these hobbies over the years while still graduating from college, getting married, having children and navigating all the busy times that life brings.
Tara is an independent outdoor woman who has always been interested in outdoor sports, despite the field being primarily male dominated. She works hard to pull her own weight and “keep up with the guys” but remains grounded enough to know that there’s always something new to learn. For every adventure, Tara works hard to observe and learn each aspect of the process from start to finish. She then commits to trying at least one of these new skills for herself the next time she’s given the opportunity. Today, Tara enjoys hunting—whitetail deer, turkey, waterfowl and ruffed grouse; fishing—both open and hard water; hiking; shed hunting; foraging for wild edibles; shooting—archery and handgun; and almost anything else that gets her into the outdoors.
Tara works full-time as a foster care case manager, is an EMT & CPR instructor, does promotional work for a local hunting & fishing guide service and is very active volunteering in her community. She is always open for an adventure and never steers away from a challenge. Tara continues to work at building her skills and expanding her knowledge in the hopes that she can pass her passion for the outdoors on to her daughters as they grow—inspiring the next generation of strong outdoor women.
She is also ReelCamo Girl’s Brand Champion Manager
You can follow Tara on Facebook: Tara Hokuf Outdoors or
on Instagram: @thokuf_outdoors
I live in Central Oregon, and since moving here I've been able to jump into the ReelCamo Girl lifestyle with both feet! I've always enjoyed fishing, offshore and fly fishing being my favorites, but now I've been able to add salmon and crabbing.
I love duck hunting along with any other kind of upland bird hunting. Last year I got my first turkey and now I'm obsessed with calling in those thunder chickens!
I grew up participating in small bore competitions, and I still have that old Remington 513T .22LR my dad got me when I was, what, 10? My first job was at our local shooting range in Southern California, first as a skeet and trap referee, and then a range supervisor. Those were the good ole days.
Now that I live in Oregon I've taken up bow hunting in addition to rifle, and I have the opportunity to go deer and elk hunting every year. I haven't harvested any large animals yet, but not for lack of trying. It's not always about the harvest.
I also enjoy foraging for morels every spring and I'm still learning about other edible mushrooms to be found. I shed hunt, rock hound, garden, and raise chickens for meat and eggs.
I have lots of crafts like quilting and beading, I'm learning to wrap fishing rods, and I do my own taxidermy. I also enjoy cooking and preserving our harvests, from canning fish, making duck pepperoni stix and preserving our garden harvests. I love grocery shopping in my own freezer and pantry!
You can follow Erika on Instagram @apachelady24.
I was born and raised in Wisconsin. My love of the outdoors was sparked from my childhood visits to my grandparent’s dairy farm. I have always camped, fished and loved the outdoors.
As my children got older I had the opportunity to start hunting with my husband. I was hooked! Living in Wisconsin, I have a broad range of activities in the outdoors I enjoy: fishing, hunting, ATV/UTV trail riding, snowmobiling, camping, nature photography, 3D archer shooting, foraging, scouting and food plot maintenance.
I love the fact that so many women are becoming so active in the outdoors and hunting. I volunteer my time in Wisconsin with a Conservation group and encourage youth to enjoy what nature has to provide.
Follow my adventures on FaceBook: @DeniseBradt Instagram: @denisebradt or on GoWild
Sherri was born and raised in central Saskatchewan Canada where she grew up on a grain farm.
Farming is still part of her life as she works as a farm hand as well an animal care tech as well and a dog sitter.
Hunting, fishing and the outdoors was a part of day to day life for Sherri & her older brother growing up as their Dad was an avid outdoorsman as well as a Hunter Education Instructor .
The love of hunting started with Mule Deer and Whitetail around home and expanded to Antelope and Turkey in the US and then came Argentina, New Zealand and South Africa for numerous exotic species.
Archery began as a sport for Sherri at the age of 5 which progressed to a method of hunting along with crossbow, muzzle loader and rifle. Additionally, skeet shooting and waterfowl hunting are also on the list of sports/hunting Sherri takes part in.
With hunting being a major part of life, she also sets up her own deer hunting baits & blinds, traps pests for neighbors and snares coyotes in the winter and counts down the days until deer start dropping their antlers.
The outdoor lifestyle is a year round passion for this girl.
I was born and raised in a small South Carolina town. Currently I live in Charleston SC.,where I work in the shipping industry.
My family has always hunted and I have been involved in the outdoors and hunting since I was little.
I have a passion for hunting, fishing, hiking, spending time at the beach.... honestly anything outdoors related.
I have hunted many different species, but I love hunting turkeys and big whitetail.
I completed my single season grand slam in the spring of 2022!
I also got a bow and will be learning the ins and outs of bow hunting.
I have a passion for getting other women (especially young girls) involved in hunting. My dream come true would be able to have a job in the outdoor industry where I can inspire women who want to learn to hunt and to be more comfortable in the sport. Also would love to teach the next generation to love the outdoors.
I eat, sleep and breathe the outdoors and I am honored to be a part of this team!
I am a lifelong, avid outdoorswoman and huntress, thanks to my late father. I’ve been loving every moment in the great outdoors as far back as I can remember, and as I get older, my outdoor adventures keep getting bigger.
During my mid-twenties after growing up hunting, I made it an annual goal to hunt a new species in a new terrain or region. This goal has taken me on many adventures far and wide across the country, and I have begun to expand beyond the States as well. After losing my dad, who was my outdoor mentor and hunting partner, I realized how short life really is and it urged me to live life to the fullest and cherish every adventure, every day. I’m always looking forward to the next, no matter how great or how small.
When not adventuring, I work full-time in Environmental/Health/Safety for an oil and gas company. Outside of work, I am involved in several outdoor groups that share my passion. These organizations include serving as the Editor for ‘The Archer’s Voice’ and serving on the board for North Dakota Bowhunters Association, serving as a director on the board for the NDBA Foundation, serving as a director at-large for North Dakota Wildlife Federation, and volunteering as a committee member for my local chapter of RMEF. I am also a staff member for Rockstarlette Outdoors and Huntress View, and a member of American Daughters of Conservation, Wild Sheep Foundation, Pope and Young, Compton’s Traditional Bowhunters, Missouri Basin Bowmen (and probably a few others…).
Kelly didn’t grow up hunting and fishing but you would never know by her love and passion for it now. It was a drive to do something outside the norm for females back then and with the love and support of her husband, she is who she is today!
Kelly is an avid bow hunter spending as much time as she can high in a tree. She has a love for rifle deer hunting with both of her children and husband and any chance she can you will find them all out on the water fishing or ice fishing.
Kelly’s true love is spending time with her family and passing the passion she has for the out to her children.
I grew up in the Lakes/Omineca region of BC. My parents taught my sister and I how to fish and hunt ftom a young age. My favorite hunts are spring blackbear, and moose, but I enjoy all hunting, from small game to predator hunting, and big game. I fish lakes and rivers, mostly. My favorite fishing is fly-fishing for salmon, and ice fishing. I also forage, and garden, plus I enjoy cooking, and preserving the food I hunt, gather and grow. My day job is in the dialysis unit of my local hospital. I am a registered nurse.
Hi, my name is Cara. I am excited and honored to join the RCG Pro Staff!! I live on a small farm in Southern Wisconsin. I have always loved the outdoors even as a young child.
I did not grow up in a hunting family, I actually started hunting and fishing after I graduated from high school. My boyfriend, now husband who is an avid hunter and fisherman introduced me. Bow hunting is my addiction and has been for quite a while. I guess you can say I am obsessed with it. My husband is my biggest supporter and we love to hunt together. We both bow and gun hunt, we mainly hunt whitetail, turkeys, raccoons, pheasants and coyotes. We have gone on quite a few hunting trips where I have harvested a couple black bears, wild hogs, quail and gators. We process our own game and work together when it comes to our food plots and what to plant. I love anything outdoors. I spend as much time as I can outdoors whether it is hunting, fishing, shed hunting, or taking my St. Bernard for walks, especially in the snow. I also love to take outdoor photos.
I am excited to connect with other women hunters, be supportive, encouraging and learn a few things myself.
My Moto: Hunting, Fishing and Loving Everyday!
Thank you for the opportunity to be a prostaff for RCG! I'm from Prince George Northern BC Canada. We hunt moose, bear, elk, deer, wolves and grouse.
I love the outdoors and spend as much time as possible in the bush Hunting hiking just looking at scenery looking for sheds etc. Recently started bow hunting which I love doing. Married with 2 beautiful kids they also share our love for the outdoors my daughter recently passed her core course.
My name is Chloe' Loughridge and I am a born and raised Missouri girl. I grew up in an outdoor active family but never hunted or even shot a gun until I met my husband. He is a hunting guide and gunsmith so everything he did revolved around hunting and outdoors.
I love hunting no matter the animal and love the adventures it takes us on. Locally we mainly hunt deer and ducks. I am an avid bow hunter and hunted with a rifle for the first time this year.
When I am not hunting or working you can find me with my husband and daughter in the woods along with our dogs. We are usually enjoying long hikes exploring or mushroom huntin. We have 2 scent tracking dogs and a shed dog that keep us busy during and after season.
My name is Briana Whittington and I am a Registered Nurse, Wife, Mom to two girls, and Dog Mom to many German Shorthaired Pointers. My husband and I have a small hobby farm in SE Minnesota where we raise Idaho Pasture Pigs, chickens, large gardens, and breed German Shorthaired Pointers. I hope to add quail and rabbits to our farm this year, and my ultimate wish list animal is a milk cow.
When I met my husband 11 years ago, he had a 1 year old GSP named Fonzie and was very into upland bird hunting. His passion to upland hunt rubbed off on me over the years as our pack of GSPs grew and our passion to train and test them grew. Pheasant hunting was my husband's main focus, but over the years we have expanded our hunting adventures to more states and more species of upland birds. I have done some bow hunting for whitetail years ago and would love to get back into that again. An archery elk hunt is on my bucket list someday. My summers are packed with hiking, gardening, foraging, preserving, fishing, and training pointing breeds for testing events. I love to craft, sew and create my own lotions and soaps from nature.
My focus is to live a more intentional lifestyle with real foods I have raised on our homestead or harvested in the wild. I love sharing my adventures with family and friends and inspire others to try new things. I love receiving messages about how I inspired someone to make their own hot sauce or ferment their own sauerkraut because they saw me post about it. There are so many ways we can honor our animal harvests other than just eating the meat. The fat from deer can be rendered down into pure tallow and cooked with or used in lotions and soaps. the bones can be boiled down and made into a nutritious broth for soup in the future. There are hundreds of plants in the wild we can harvest and turn into herbal remedies to heal our bodies naturally too. I can't wait to share all of my homestead ways with all of you and inspire you to live off the land.
I was born and raised in Wyoming. I have never known a life that didn’t involve hunting and fishing. I was raised an outfitter’s daughter. I remember tagging along with my dad in my early years. I also remember my first hunt like it was yesterday. At the time, Wyoming required you to be the age of 14 to hunt. And on my 14th birthday my dad took me on my very first turkey hunt. And from that day forward hunting has been a part of who I am. I went to college and eventually decided that I wanted to be a big game hunting guide. I did that for quite a few years, and those were some of the most amazing and inspiring years of my life. Life eventually took me on a different path. But the one thing that has always remained a constant is my love for the outdoors. Even more importantly, I get to teach my children to hunt and fish. You can find my kids and I hunting, fishing, camping, 4-wheeling, hiking, and exploring our amazing home state of Wyoming. I have adventured across the State of Wyoming and have been blessed to hunt some of Wyoming’s greatest animals. I also have been blessed to get to fish some of Wyoming’s amazing waters. I am currently working on a goal to complete Wyoming’s Master Angler program. I also have a goal to learn how to trap. As women of the outdoors we are capable of anything. I want to inspire other women. I want women to look at me and say “Because of you, I didn’t give up.” Not all women were raised in this lifestyle, but it is absolutely amazing to see so many join the world that I love so much. Go out and fish! Go explore the outdoors! Chase those dreams! Happy hunting ladies!!!
I am married and a mother to 3, an avid hunter and fisherman. Anything to get me outdoors is where I am the happiest. If it's in season I wanna chase it.
I am so blessed to live the lifestyle I live day in and day out. I was born and raised in Southwest Pennsylvania to parents who both have an extreme passion for the outdoors. They have taught me to embrace simplicity and traditions. Over the 37 years I have been on this planet the outdoors has become my teacher, my provider, my soulmate and savior. I attribute all my successes in life to the time I spend in the woods and on the waters.
My parents are adventurous, driven, individualists and if that was to continue after I was born...I was going along for the ride. The outdoors was going to be my babysitter and my playground. The creeks were a hunting, fishing, and trapping haven and my mom use to put me in a basket in the front of the canoe at 4 months old while dad and her journeyed. When I was a little older we did our wading, dad would throw a life jacket on me and tie me to his waste with a bullrope so I didn't float away. During hunting season, there was no option but to fill the freezer...to this day. Dad would set me up everyday somewhere and tell me when it gets daylight, you'll see me in a tree across the hollow. He said pay attention...you never know what you might see sitting here...and everyday I had an exciting story of my own to tell. I spent alot of hours at very young ages sitting alone in the woods. That time was priceless and irreplaceable. I learned more than any multi degree professor could ever impress on me.
For years growing up when school was out, we spent every night all night running the lakes fishing topwater bass...it was my favorite. Muggy nights in back coves listening to bullfrogs and catching big bass with good conversation...something we lack as a society nowadays.
All these little moments growing up have embedded this passion in my soul. Big gardens and canning and a self sustaining lifestyle are what I will always maintain. A wood burning stove with no furnace for that steady heat. Outdoor fitness as an cross country skier and hiker and the stress relief of a laid back campfire evening where the stories flow like water.
I am an avid whitetail bowhunter, waterfowl, spring Gobbler, predator, and small game hunter. I am a trapper and love the traditions that back the fur trapping trade.
I love fishing every species but my extreme passion lies in Musky fishing including the adventures of kayak musky fishing.
Most recently over the last year I have taken up handgun training and I'm hoping to start hunting and carrying on the regular.
Every single moment I have is spent doing these activities and alot of time writing about them. I have carried my outdoor world into every aspect of my life. My customers in my career all gravitate to me for the common interests we have as outdoors men and women. My friends and family label me the Wild woman of the wilderness lol. I have been working seasonally for a Deer Processor for 13 years and I get the pleasure of sharing other people's memories as well. I have been associated with some great small businesses in representing their brands and their support for women and men in the outdoors.
This passion is my life and it has provided a real life. My only hope is my drive and enthusiasm brings other women and men closer to the outdoors.
My name is Ashley, I grew up mostly in MI and moved to TN for a few years where I graduated from nursing school when I was 19. My permanent residency is now Arkansas, but my dog and I are always on the move to different states. In the past few years I have been doing travel nursing so I can explore and hunt our country! I had to leave home when I was 15 and always wanted to learn how to hunt, but did not have the opportunity. I finally put my foot down and decided to jump head first into learning when I was in my mid 20s and then really made it my priority about 3 years ago. I first started learning through lots of online research and some trial and error. I started going with outfitters and friends to hunt different species so I could learn how to hunt and harvest different animals in different terrain. My love for hunting grows more and more all the time and it is a main passion of mine! When I am not hunting my dog and I love to road trip, hike, and climb mountains, especially the 14k peaks in Colorado! I do a lot of dispersed tent camping during the nicer months and some in the winter with the help of my little buddy heater. I am hoping to get back into fly fishing this summer, otherwise I do enjoy fresh water fishing and looking to add saltwater fishing to my hobbies! I am always learning more with the outdoor community and would love to share my passion and experience with anyone who has questions to see if I can help, or if you want to go on an adventure feel free to reach out to me!
Growing up on a 40 acre ranch northwest of Fort Worth Texas, hunting has always been a family tradition. After my first hunting trip with my father at seven years old I had been immediately hooked on the experience. My whole childhood was centered around the woods and I spent as much time as I could exploring them. Now a mother and wife in a blended family, my husband and I raise our children outdoors as much as possible so they have the skills to provide for themselves and their future families.
Outside of hunting, my hobbies include fishing both fresh and saltwater, rockhounding, painting, gardening, and taxidermy. Taxidermy is my second love to hunting and I have set myself a personal goal to open my own studio in the future. I've also grown fond of sporting clays and skeet, participating annually to help raise funds for the Mike Barry Shooting for A Cure for Epilepsy and for my husband's oldest's high school baseball program (GO GREYHOUNDS!). As a member of the Texas Wildlife Association and the Texas Trophy Hunters Association, I fully support any and all efforts that center around wildlife conservation and preserving our hunting heritage.
I am very excited and honored to be apart of such a supportive group that ReelCamo Girl provides. My hopes are for others to be inspired to get out and enjoy all Mother Nature has to offer and to keep our outdoor traditions alive for future generations to come.
My name is McKenzie White, but my friends and family call me “Mack”. I am an avid outdoors woman. I live in a small town in East/Central Alabama where I hunt all legal game (big & small) and fish. Hunting, fishing and farming are my main hobbies. Hunting and fishing is a way of life for me. I love being able to provide for my family with the wildlife we have in our area.
I wouldn’t say I have a favorite game season, I love them all. When it’s not small/large game season it’s time to fish. Where I live we have a 10,000 acre lake (Lake Wedowee) that we fish in and also several farm ponds we fish. Crappie and yellow catfish are my favorite freshwater fish to catch. I love fishing the “old school way” running trot-lines, limb lines, and bank poles. I also love catching turtles! Snapping turtles and soft shells are a true delicacy. I am blessed to live in a rural area where I can hunt and fish behind my back door.
I love meeting and sharing my outdoor experiences with others. I feel that the more I’m able to share my stories and experiences, the more it helps others understand our way of life. “
I have been involved in the outdoors since a very young age (I have to thank my mother for that); one of my earliest memories growing up is catching frogs, newts, snakes and butterflies with my sister (to this day we still love to stumble upon them!). I was born, raised, and still reside in the western region of NY state, where woods and agriculture fields are predominant. It is truly a blessing to have the passion that I do for the outdoors and to live, hunt, and fish where I do; I wouldn't have it any other way!
I was always fishing as a child then started hunting later on; it now will be 25 years I've been involved in hunting. Comparing from when I started to hunting to the present day, I have witnessed a tremendous growth in the involvement of youth and women in the outdoors and an increase in the recognition of youth and women in the outdoors
I work full-time in healthcare as a Registered Nurse in a rural hospital and I am also an EMT. When not working, I will likely be found outdoors! Besides hunting and fishing, my other outdoors activities include: competing in 3D archery competitions (both local and IBO/ASA regulated state shoots, shed antler hunting, maintaining food plots and habitat management where I hunt, trail cameras, photography, kayaking, and foraging for wild edibles! Hunting Whitetail Deer and Eastern Turkeys are truly my passion but I also love hunting small game. I am excited for this opportunity to join RCG as a Pro-staff member and presently am on Pro-staff for Prois Hunting Apparel and WiseEye Cameras. Just recently I become a shop shooter for Belmont Archery (local archery shop) and look forward to re-starting in 3D archery competition this year!
I was born and raised on a cattle ranch in Southern Alberta where I was involved in rodeo and 4H, my family always hunted as a way to help fill the freezers and I started hunting when I was twelve.
When I met my now husband is when my involvement in hunting really took off with him introducing me to bow hunting in addition to the rifle hunting I grew up with. In 2013 we took our first international hunting trip together to Burkett Texas to go hog hunting and from there the travel hunting bug really bit us both. We combined our wedding + honeymoon + first safari in 2015 in South Africa.
Since then we have traveled to England and South Africa twice more together, and we still hunt all around Alberta together.
We welcomed our oldest daughter in December of 2018, where I heavily hunted all the way through my pregnancy both in South Africa and back at home. She has accompanied me (and my husband) on hunts since 2020 being with me to harvest my antlered moose and mule deer buck in 2020. She also hunted with both of us in 2021 and 2022. 2022 was a busy year for her where she accompanied us to the Eastern Cape on a Safari and hunted with us again in the fall for elk being with us both for our bulls. 2023 didn't slow down at all for her either as she went with us for spring and fall bear and out for upland birds, antelope, deer and elk once fall arrived. I was again pregnant and hunted all through the fall with our second daughter who we welcomed in January of 2024, we are hoping that she follows in her older sisters footsteps.
When I'm not hunting with my family I'm busy as a contract Bookkeeper and managing our small hobby farm while also trying to live a more self sustainable lifestyle with our own domestic and wild game meat, garden produce and home preserved goods.
Hello I’m Ellen Capriglione
Missouri Born and Raised
Veterinary Technician
Brain Aneurysm Survivor
I grew up with hunting around me due to my father. Have never been involved always intrigued though. Growing up we went fishing and tent camping, those were the best vacations. 2017 I shot a compound bow for the first time and I was hooked. I’m a field staff member for GearHead Archery. I ethically hunt for Deer, turkey ,coyote, waterfowl ,rabbit ,& much more. It’s not just about the hunting for me.It’s about being out in nature and learning from it. I enjoy a nice cup of coffee with my sunrise in the deer stand. I enjoy making different meals with the harvest that is brought home. When not hunting I could be occupying my time bow fishing, fishing ,camping, baking, gardening, 3D shoots, crocheting, kayaking, & hanging out with my Australian Cattle dogs. Can’t wait to share my adventures with nature and hunting. Can’t wait to see, hear, learn, and grow from your adventures.
Hi my name is Vikki Casey and I live in Upstate NY! Although the outdoor legacy was not passed down through my family, I discovered a love for the great outdoors when I was young. It started with my Poppy & through an uncle from Florida. Fishing for ‘rainbow fish’ and watching my uncle harvest and process his NYS deer were fun and sparked interest deep within me.
As I grew up and had life experiences, I took a hiking class in the breathtaking Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range in SantaFe, NM. The physical challenge and serene beauty spoke to me on a deep level. From that point in my life, I embraced everything nature had to offer. Having received my college degree in Biology/Anthropology, I had a curious wonder about animals, the human body and how we interact with the world around us also, this fed the ‘outdoor fire’ within me.
These days, I find myself knee-deep in rivers and lakes, casting for trout, salmon, and even steelhead. Ice fishing for perch, crappie, and pike has become a thrilling adventure too! While I haven't harvested a deer yet, I know that with time and dedication, that dream will be realized. Sitting quietly, in the woods, surrounded by God's creation, is a soul-nourishing experience for me. Every day I’m blown away by the intricacies of our world and symbiotic relationships that flora and fauna have with one another.
This passion is deeply ingrained in my DNA & I know my future holds - overcoming fears, learning, teaching, mentoring, and sharing my knowledge with the next generation, as well as MY generation of women. In the coming years, I look forward to becoming a NYS Hunters Ed teacher, a wilderness survival educator, and an NRA instructor. Remember, if you dream it, you can do it!
SSG (R) Stephenie Fleming is a Stafford, TX native. She served in Active Duty Army, was wounded in combat, and medically retired in 2021 after serving 13.5 years. She grew up duck hunting and fishing with her dad. While on active duty she did not have many opportunities to fish or hunt so instead she took up camping and hiking in her spare time. Visiting state parks and national parks has become a hobby of hers. She loves being connected to nature so now that she is retired, she is making it full circle and getting into hunting and fishing again. This time around, she is expanding into new areas of hunting, learning all she can, and slowly crossing off her bucket list of animals. She enjoys helping others, especially Veterans and ladies. If she can help others connect and find peace in nature, she is one happy camper. If she isn’t volunteering for Veteran non-profits or in the outdoors she can be found in Louisiana with her dogs and spending time with family.
My name is Beth Edwards. I am a wife, mother, hair stylist, and business owner. I grew up on several hundred acres in southern Missouri. I fell in love with the outdoors at a very young age, well because it was our way of life. Every day was spent doing farm work; for as long as I can remember. It was not by choice, it was our livelihood. Our family vacations were floating the Northfork river , or enjoying Northfork lake. Sunday dinner at Grandma's was always at noon; and I got a free education on homesteading. I had no idea at the time how much I would appreciate that later in life. In my 20's I moved a couple hours North and met my husband. We own and manage 4 different farms in our area.
I am passionate about hunting, fishing, and foraging. Most of all , I love doing all those things with my family. I am excited to be on the Reel Camo Girl 2025 team.
Tarra was blessed to live an outdoor lifestyle by growing up on a free-range hog farm learning from an early age how to provide food organically through animal husbandry, hunting, fishing and gardening.
She is a huge supporter of women in the outdoors and has managed ReelCamo Girl for the past 5 years.
Throughout her career she has taught over 500 people to shoot as a SLED and NRA pistol instructor.
Her hobby is photography although most of the time she’s either hunting or fishing with her husband.
Follow Tarra on social media: