Are You Prepared for Hunting Season?

As hunting season approaches there are many things that easily get over looked.

 I truly believe the success of being able to quickly begin the cleaning process of my doe kill started with being P R E P A R E D.


 Having what is called a “Kill Kit” in your hunting pack for easy access when you have killed an animal can make a world of difference. A kill kit has just about everything you would need to quickly and cleanly process your harvest.

 Having this kit set up and ready in your hunting pack makes it easy for when that moment of success arises. Having all your items organized and together makes for efficient work and keeps you from having to dig and look for items.

 Setting up a kill kit specific for you is going to be best as everyone's needs and situation are different. There are company's out there that you can purchase pre made kits from but if you're like me you'll find making your own kit may work best! Happy harvesting! 

Kill Kit.jpg

Stacey Sutherlin

ReelCamo Girl Pro Staff
