Smoked Salmon

There's nothing more flavorful than smoked meat! And this last year we were able to get some nice salmon to add to that mix. On top of that, I like to can my smoked salmon to give it a much longer shelf life than just freezing and it makes for more recipes or just plain snacking!


First you'll want to brine your fish. Mix up a cup of brown sugar and a half cup of salt. Spread a generous layer on the flesh side of your fish and place them in a baking dish in the refrigerator overnight. This will draw out the excess moisture and firm up the flesh. You will have to drain the dish once or twice. 


The next day give the fish a quick rinse in cold water to remove the excess sugar and salt mix. Pat dry and place back in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Fire up your smoker with your preferred wood (I used alder) and smoke for at least 4 hours depending on your smokers temperature. Mine is low and does not have a thermometer, so I smoke for 6 hours. Don't worry if your fish does not cook completely, the canning process will take care of that. 


After smoking you can process immediately or put them in a bag in the fridge for the next day. Prepare you jars and lids, add your smoked salmon and water, and process in a pressure canner at 11 lbs for an hour and a half.

After cooling you'll want to wash your jars and then store them. Or, open one up, mix with some cream cheese and enjoy!

Follow ReelCamo Girl Pro Staff member Erika Forsythe on Facebook or Instagram @apachelady24

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