Myths About Hunters - By Andrea Haas


Originally posted on Sportsmen's Alliance website. Re-posted here with permission from the author. By Andrea Haas

There are a lot of different stereotypes surrounding hunters today. After recently being labeled as one of these stereotypes myself, I feel it is important to dispel some myths and assumptions about hunters. None of the hunters I know fit any of these common stereotypes.

Aggressive or Angry

stereotypes_3I was told recently by a co-worker that doesn’t hunt that I must be a really aggressive person in order to be able to shoot animals. I just had to laugh. Anyone who knows me knows that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m not afraid to stand up for what I believe in, but I’m definitely not an aggressive person. And I can’t think of a single hunt that was the result of me being angry. In fact, some of my favorite and most memorable hunts were ones that I just observed the wildlife and didn’t involve me pulling the trigger, even whenever I had the opportunity to.

Blood Thirsty

When you look at the definition of this, it says to be blood thirsty you: “are eager to hurt or kill” and “enjoy the sight of violence or bloodshed”.

As hunters, we never intend to hurt or wound an animal. We work hard to make ethical shots that lead to a quick and humane kill. We don’t like to see them suffer or fall victim to violence or poaching. None of that is enjoyable for us. We do feel remorse for the animals that we kill, but we take comfort in the fact that these animals lived a healthy life in the wild, not in a slaughter house, and that we are providing healthier food for ourselves and our families than if we were to get our meat from the grocery store.

Animal Hater

stereotypes_2For those that don’t agree with hunting, I think this is the hardest one to understand. Hunters love animals too, but I think the difference here is that hunters realize that in order for humans to live, some animals must die. Hunters just choose to be a part of that instead of having someone else do it for us. I feel that most anti-hunters that don’t eat meat are under the impression that with their vegan lifestyle no animals were harmed as a result, and that is just not true. I recently saw a post on instagram from Cameron Hanes that explains perfectly what I am trying to say here. (acct name: @cameronrhanes)

Here’s a couple of excerpts:

“All humans have blood on their hands, proverbial or otherwise. Hunters aren’t ashamed of the fact that for us to live, animals die.”

“…Animals died for you to live. The wood that was used to build your house came from a forest and when those trees were cut down animals died. You’re responsible for that. The wheat field where your bread came from…animals died during its growth and harvest. You’re responsible for that too. Don’t feel guilty though…It’s the circle of life and you’re part of it…”

Hunting is not for everyone and hunters understand that. I know that hunters and anti-hunters may never see eye to eye, but my intention with this article is simply to get people to stop and think, do some research, and be a little more open minded about hunting.

Andrea is an accomplished hunter who runs her own personal blog, Huntress View, where women hunters, whether they be experienced or beginners, can go to gain insight on hunting and shooting from a woman’s point of view.