Social Distance Activities to Keep you Busy

During this different time with Covid-19 and the quarentine going on, I know that it can be difficult trying to find something to keep busy with! I have had a hard time myself since I finished finals and I am on summer break! So here is a few outdoorsy things I have found that have helped pass the time and stay safe!

-Go for a drive and take some pictures. Whether it be with a nice camera or your phone, you can still get some great shots! If you are looking for animals, early morning or right before sunset is the best time to find animals. You might even get lucky and spot a new baby!


-Get your game cameras ready. It is still early summer but scouting season isn't too far away! Get those game cams out and check them over. Check the SD cards and make sure the straps are good to go for the year! 


-Go for a walk! Nothing like keeping your hunting shape intact with a good walk! It has been perfect weather in Utah lately and I have been logging the miles. Not only does my little love to go but it is also getting me ready for September's deer hunt!

There is plenty of other things you can do to stay safe during this time but these are some of my favorites! Have fun and see ya out there, ya know with social distancing of course!

Written by ReelCamo Girl ProStaffer Chelsie Wilkey

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