Cast Iron Cooking

Using your Cast Iron pots and pans for everyday uses besides camping.

When we were married oh about 30 years ago, my family and my friends who were waiting in line to give congrats and kisses and hand shakes to us, would come through and my poor husband Art would get the handshake and the warning “if you hurt our little girl we are going to come after you with a frying pan.”

He was like what is it with you and your side of the family with frying pans. I had no idea but when we did show up to the reception would you believe that right on the gift table was a small cast iron frying pan. (We still don’t know who it was but I have an idea that it was my gram.)

So years go by and each time we moved, this cast iron pan would get packed up and moved with us. A few years ago I came across it in my cupboard and decided we were going to start using this. Low and behold I was hooked.

Dangerous yes because now we have two 12 inch pans, one 6 inch pan ( the one from the reception gift table), one 10 inch pan, one 12 inch Dutch Oven, Griddle, 12 inch Cast Iron Roaster/Griddle and finally the Cast Iron Sportsman’s Grill. (Mind you these were all Birthday, Mother Day’s and Christmas gifts from my family.

Instead of using regular pots and pans for camping we just bring a few of these and OMG the taste is so much better but anything outside over a campfire is better.

So I experimented and received so much help from the guys and gals at our Archery Club about cooking outside and then I received a suggestion to start using it inside because you can start on the stove and then put right in the stove.

Guess what- I use these for a majority of my cooking and it is so easy and so much better tasting.

I wanted to share one of the recipes that my family seems to enjoy with all of you using the cast iron pans.

Now remember that when using the cast iron pans the handles do get hot even on the top of the stove so please make sure you have a handle holder.

We have a family of 6 so this recipe is for that amount so just cut it down or accordingly to your tastes.


Stuffed Chicken Breasts with stuffing and mandarin oranges with white sauce.

Pre-heat your oven to 350 Degrees.


6 Boneless/skinless chicken breasts cut in half

2 boxes stuffing- chicken flavored

1 Large onion- diced

2 Large can (12oz) mandarin oranges

1/2 tsp salt and pepper

1 tsp cinnamon

White sauce- 3 jars from store or you can make your own


Cut your chicken breasts in half and put them aside.

Make your chicken stuffing according to the directions on the box. Once that is done, add the mandarin oranges to the stuffing along with the onions uncooked. (Keep the mandarin juice because that is going to be used later on).

Add the salt, pepper and cinnamon to the dressing in the pan and stir until the oranges are mixed in. Set aside.

Take your chicken and place it on a clean surface and lay it flat like the picture below. (Step 1)You then will take your stuffing that you have and place it on the larger end of the chicken and roll it. Use a tbsp to get your measurements. It maybe more or less due to the size of the chicken breast. (Step 2)





STEP 3: Place your chicken halves in the pan and then when filled add any stuffing in between the open spots around the chicken and then add some of the mandarin oranges and then add the juice over the chicken part.

STEP 4: Cover with tinfoil or if you have the top to the pan, put in

the oven for 40 minutes or when the temperature of the chicken is 165 degrees. ( Yes I am a messy cook and always make a mess of my stove.)


STEP 5; when it reaches the correct temperature- this is when you add your sauce to cover the chicken and stuffing. Put your cheese on top and then put back in the over until cheese is melted.

STEP 6: Take out and enjoy.


Don’t forget for clean up- do NOT use soap on your cast iron pans as it will make the seasoning go away. I scrap everything out of the pan first and then put some water in it and boil it until everything just starts to come away from the pan then dump and wash with a paper towel with just water. Dry it on top of the stove with the flame on and then season it with oil.

Take care all and be safe.

Written by ReelCamo Girl ProStaff Nadine Fulle.

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