Passing the time while stuck at home

We are in unprecedented times with COVID 19 and we are staying home more and more.

While a lot of us are watching future hunts slip away from us there are plenty of things we can do to prepare for our future hunts.

1. Researching regulations for all areas you are looking to hunt.

This is a great time to get to know all of the details regarding upcoming season dates license and permit requirements, fees and many other rules. These rules and regulations can change annually and it is important to know the latest details.

2. Organizing gear and equipment.

You can never be too organized! There is nothing worse than being out on a hunt and finding out that you forgot a critical piece of gear! Spend this time going through packs, organizing camp equipment, sharpening knives, cleaning firearms, waxing bow strings and checking batteries.

3. Researching potential hunting areas.

This is a perfect time to research new hunting areas. Technology provides multiple ways to do this from the comfort of your own home. I like to use OnX maps to look for new areas and landowners that I would like to approach to request permission to hunt their property. I also leverage Google Maps to identify potential hunting areas. I use this to learn more about the areas would like to hunt. I spend time looking for steep terrain, canyons, water sources, or heavily timbered areas.

4. Get in shape!

Big game hunting in Washington State can be very physically demanding. The best motivation I have had to get into shape is pushing myself to be better in the woods. This is an essential part of ensuring that I am fully ready for my next hunt. During times that the gym is not available you can spending some time on the treadmill, going for a long walk outside, hopping on the exercise bike or…


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