Newest ReelCamoGirl and Member, Jen "The Archer" Cordaro.
ReelCamoGirl was thrilled when Jen "The Archer" Cordaro reached out and asked about being featured as a ReelCamoGirl. Of course, as a San Diego based company, we already knew who she was and were big fans. One doesn't find many hunters in general in Southern California and particularly not many female hunters so the honor was and is all ours.
In case you don't know who she is, Jen "The Archer" Cordaro is an archer, angler, hunter, bow fisher and outdoor enthusiast who promotes wildlife conservation and the shooting sports.
She is also a huge supporter of encouraging outdoor skills to the next generation. Jen and her best friend, Angie started the #BringAKidCampaign. This 100% volunteer run program focuses on answering letters from youth in order to teach them good work ethic, responsibility, and self-reliance by participating in hunting, fishing and the shooting sports, often for the first time.
Take a moment and check out the Facebook and YouTube pages for Bring A Kid Campaign. They are doing great stuff.
Jen is a certified archery instructor, SCUBA diver, angler, backpacker, hiker, gardener, hunter, conservationist, and takes pride in her ability to live off the land with her survival and homesteading skills. She preserves produce, processes and prepares her own wild game meat, and makes her own beer and wine from locally produced ingredients.
As if that weren't enough she has taken on the arduous task of communicating with non-hunters. Every hunter knows, this can quite often be difficult (at best) effort. I have seen many of her online "conversations." Truly she has the "Patience of Job." Again, wonderful work.
In her online interview with U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, Jen “The Archer” Cordaro: On Communicating with Non-Hunters, By Cameron Pauli, USSA Digital Media Specialist Jen says, “As hunters, we need to stop being reactive and answering out of emotion,” said Cordaro. “Anti-hunters are using emotional-based campaigns to target hunters. So, if we’re going to respond with emotion, we’re playing the same game as them. We’re not any better.
“The first way we can educate others is to simply give people the time of day. It’s okay to disagree,” said Cordaro. “If there is an opportunity to talk with a non-hunter, have that conversation. While it may not seem like it’s worth your time or effort right now, that person might go to the polls later, and even though they’re not a hunter, when an issue comes up, they might vote in your favor if they had a positive experience talking to you.”
Last, but certainly not least, Jen is a semi-finalist in the 2016 EXTREME HUNTRESS COMPETITION and needs your vote. As of this morning, she has 12% of the vote and is in 3rd place. You can check out Jen's full BIO on the competition site HERE.
According to, "The Extreme Huntress™ Competition is about preserving our outdoor heritage. Our goal is to create positive role models for women who want to participate in hunting."
"With a 50% divorce rate among parents and kids becoming invested in other sports at a younger and younger age, kids may not have the role models or opportunity to start hunting when they reach the legal age to hunt (12 or 14 depending on the state). If mom goes hunting, so will her children, thus preserving our outdoor heritage for future generations."
"Now in its sixth year, the competition is wildly popular among contestants and fans. The Extreme Huntress Competition continues to set the bar for serious outdoors women, while at the same time providing positive role models for women who are new to hunting, shooting and other traditional outdoor sports."
ReelCamoGirl is a lifestyle brand focused on encouraging women and girls who love to hunt, fish, hike, shoot, dive, etc. RCG offers a (safe) place, through website and social media where people can share their pictures, stories, recipes, etc.
ReelCamo girls are strong, capable, kind, compassionate, nature & country-loving individuals. We encourage responsible and ethical hunting. We care about land and animal management as well as long-term sustainability. We hunt, fish, dive, shoot and hike…for peace of mind, happiness, pure clean protein & connection to the outdoors. ReelCamoGirls can shoot a gun, draw a bow, track an animal, get CAMOed up, bait a hook, clean a fish and still be feminine and girly.
We are THRILLED to have Jen "The Archer" Cordaro not only as a #ReelCamoGirl but also as our first honorary MEMBER. She embodies everything that ReelCamoGirl stands for.
Jen's Organizational Involvement: – Bring A Kid Campaign, Co-Founder, Guide/Instructor & Volunteer. For a preview of the Bring A Kid Campaign, please see: – National Wild Turkey Federation – USA Archery, Archery Instructor – Archery Camps, USA, Ltd., Volunteer/Archery Instructor/Bowfishing Instructor – San Diego Junior Pheasant Hunt, Volunteer – Safari Club International, Sacramento Chapter, Member – California Bowmen Hunters/State Archery Association, Member – National Field Archery Association, Member – International Bowhunter’s Organization, Member – Women Hunters, Inc., Member – Iron Sights Shooting Range, Member – San Diego Archers, Member – Pendleton Sportsman’s Club, Past Member
Follow her on Instagram @JEN.THE.ARCHER
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Follow Jen on her YouTube Channel:
We are ALWAYS looking for photos of women and girls in the outdoors. Please take a moment and send in a photo with some details to
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